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  • Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity through
  • Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity
  • Can algorithms ensure greater neutrality and efficiency? Are they as free from human bias as we usually think? The exhibition ‘Codes and algorithms. Wisdom in a calculated world’ seeks to make sense of this phenomenon and it’s implications. n recent
  • 1960 - born in town Yaroslavl, Russia; 1984 - graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute; - an artist, poet, author of many art-projects; - an inspirator and organiser of various communication creative societies (KEPNOS,
  • four kinetic objects with magnets and metal particles dim: diameter 12 cm Kinetic objects take part in the multimedia project Attractions – Similarities that focuses on magnetism as a physical phenomenon, by visualizing it in various ways, using
  • Shanghai Express is an interactive installation we developed for the City of Counter Light exhibition at the Shanghai Power Station of Art in November 2013. It allows users to create and interact with digital cityscapes that appear on an interactive
  • The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto Video and Text By Lila Moore Background The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto is the outcome of an auto-communication between the Cybernetic Institute and Seeker of True-files.
  • Lindenmayer, Aristid and Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw. Developmental Models of Multicellular Organism: A Computer Graphics Perspective ALIFE (1987): 221-250.
  • Performers interact with images and sounds and manipulate four mobile projection surfaces, orchestrating a set of changing architectural constructions. Spectators circulate freely like visitors to an installation, accessing multiple points of view
  • City Sonics #8 -
    27.08-12.09.2010 Machine a Eau, Mons Belgium Philippe Franck, Artistic Director presented project by LAb[au]: binary waves, mode: sound installation 2x540kHz, sound installation by Mika Vainio and LAb[au] about the festival Willing to