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  • Jouannais Jean-Yves and Debize Christian and Conte Richard, ed. It might never happen, catalog. Metz, France: Centre Pompidou Metz, 2010.
  • SMART CITY ABC aims to decode a territory that has produced a specialist vocabulary, in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision of the ‘Smart City’ was introduced by some of the largest tech corporations to address population growth,
  • Richard Colson has taught digital media for many years in colleges and universities in the UK. He was Reader for Art and Digital Media Practice at Thames Valley University from 2008-2010 and Senior Lecturer at the same University responsible for the
  • Avatar -
    Avatar shows projects by artists who investigate the phenomenon of the 'multiple personality'. In addition to photography, video and installations, projects using new media will be central in the event. During AVATAR a videoscreening will
  • SMART ART The European Media Art Festival is one of the most important current media art forums world-wide. For the 19th time, the festival will present a comprehensive overview spanning the whole range of this young genre of art. Under the motto
  • Event: It might never happen, curated by Christian Debize, opening program of the Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, FranceInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita, ed. O "curto-circuito" da arte digital no Brasil. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Santa Maria: edição do autor, 2014.
  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita (Org.), ed. Arte-ciência-tecnologia: o sistema da arte em perspectiva. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Silveira Martins: Editora Lab Piloto, 2014.
  • Artist: Deborah KrikunComment:
  • Neidich, Warren and Deborah Hauptman. Cognitive Architecture: From Biopolitics to Noo-Power. Rotterdam: 010 Press, 2010.