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  • ... Stanza is an expert in arts technology, CCTV, online networks, touch screens, environmental sensors, and interactive... Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes...
  • ...Mari Amman (b. 1984) works globally creating afferent artworks. Images, installations, poetry, performance, sculpture, and artistic research...
  • ... Col. argumentos #1, Salamanca, Spain: Ed. Centro de arte de Salamanca, 2002.
  • ...Brea, José Luis. (no)arte, en una zona temporalmente autónoma []. Brea, José Luis. (no)arte, en una zona temporalmente autónoma [].
  • ... used the potential of live audio visual media and the internet for performing in their work. Their Gunafa Clubbings were the first... are online since 1991 and are regarded as pioneers of media art. At reaching their Digital Quarter Century in 2013 they focus on...
  • ...Carrillo, Jesús. Arte en la red. Madrid, Spain: Cátedra, 2004.
  • ...Carrillo, Jesús. La red: un sitio inespecífico Artecontexto: arte, cultura, nuevos medios , no. 6 (2005): 16-25.
  • ...Giannetti, Claudia. Estética digital: sintopia del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología. Barcelona, Spain: L´Angelot, 2002. Giannetti, Claudia. Estética digital: sintopia del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología. Barcelona, Spain: L´Angelot, 2002.
  • ...Giannetti, Claudia, ed. Arte Facto & Ciencia. Marcel-lí Antúnez Roca. Madrid, Spain: Fundación Telefónica, 1999. Giannetti, Claudia, ed. Arte Facto & Ciencia. Marcel-lí Antúnez Roca. Madrid, Spain: Fundación Telefónica, 1999.
  • ...Amy M. Youngs creates biological art, interactive sculptures, and digital media works that explore interdependencies between technology, plants...