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  • Artec'97
  • Media Flow, Digital Sparks Matrix with PointScreen, Energy Passages, Semantic Map. Exhibition dates: October 6 to November 2, 2006.
  • Solo Exhibition. On display: Media Flow, Digital Sparks Matrix with PointScreen, Energy Passages, Semantic Map. Exhibition dates: October 6 to November 2, 2006
  • ...ent: Beyond the Sounds of Silence. Latin-American Artists Connecting Sound, Art, and Society.Institution: University of Miami Lowe Art Museum Comment:
  • ... intelligence with emotions. Exhibitions 2020 “Revelation of Eve Clone”: Lin Pey-Chwen +Digital Art Lab, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
  • ...The exhibition at the Negev Museum of Art is part of an international project, which originated in 2012 under the title of EDEN (Ethics, Durability, Ecology, Nature). The project is based on the idea of continuing the restoration of the enchanted gardens of Eden and...
  • Territorism II -
    ... Bregenz (2002). It was shown for the first time as part of the exhibition In the line of flight in the China Millenium Museum in the context of the Beijing Biennial.
  • ... Legrady’s more renowned artworks were exhibited in Centre Pompidou in Paris, PS1, MoMA inNew York City, the American Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, andtheCentre for Art & Technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe among others. Legrady...
  • ...In 2014, I was invited to exhibit Revelation of Eve Clone IV in “Raising the Temperature” at the Queens Museum of Arts, New York. The work presented Eve Clone being submerged by seawater in a ruin. The water was dyed red, like blood from the dead. Although she strived...
  • ... invited to join thesymposium in the exhibition “25 Years of the LINZ Electronic Arts Festival “held at theNational Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. I had more exchanges with international digital artistspersonally and even made some interviews with them. I was...