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  • ...Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and environments, and emerging...
  • ...Noriyuki Fujimura is a Japanese Media Artist and architect exploring the field between interactive art and public space. Research Fellow, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.He has a BA in architecture (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and...
  • ... Berlin Wall for the first time internationally the large format collages of the artist team T+T, which are based on their interactive 3D installation "Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall". The exhibition took place in completement to the presentation...
  • ... were made accessible, including single channel works, miniature sculptures with video, public installation work, and finally interactive computer-based projects; she received a Rockefeller Fellowship in New Media to complete Developing, an interactive work...
  • ...Four divisions were established: Digital Art [Interactive], Digital Art [Noninteractive], Animation and Manga.
  • ...Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural composition of the public....
  • ...[crowdsourced] NOIR / Here´s Looking at You Kid are projects investigating interactive live streaming as an alternative exhibition format for sculptural installations and crowdsourcing as a production method: In Sweden; Göteborgs Konsthall, Konstepidemin, Galleri 54,...
  • ... of a robot hosting a human, we find the roboticized human body itself converted into a host. The Garment was designed as an interactive piece to be worn by any local participant willing to allow his or her body to be engaged by others remotely.
  • Media Facades -
    ... are a new kind of exhibition format. Media artists and interaction designer gain temporary use of four media facades and one interactive city terminal in Berlin and explore their cultural, political and social roles. These screenings serve as a demonstrative...
  • Super Cilia Skin -
    ...Super Cilia Skin is a multi-modal interactive interface, conceived as a computationally enhanced membrane coupling tactile-kinesthetic input with tactile and visual output. An array of individual actuators (cilia) use changes in orientation to display images or...