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Spielmann, Yvonne. Hybrid Culture: Japanese Media Arts in Dialogue with the West. Leonardo Book Series, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2012.
Ippolitov Arcady. “Metamorphoses…”, in "Hybrid Space". St Petersburg, Russia: The Petersburg foundation for culture and the arts “PRO ARTE Institute”, State Russian Museum of Arctic and Antarctic, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002.
Maurice, M. and Jean-Baptiste Barrière. Emotional Traffic, Mechanics of Emotions Ars Electronica 2005- Hybrid: Living in Paradox (2005).
Event: Tactical Media: New approaches to hybrid creativityInstitution: EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICSComment:
Event: Mixed Borders and Hybrid IdentitiesInstitution: Palazzo delle esposizioniComment:
6,54’ video, 3D modeling, 3D animation The video combines abstract video recordings of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid
Festival for Art, Technology and Society. “Hybrid – living in paradox” was the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica, the festival that annually makes Linz the international center of media art. More than 450 top-name artists, scientists and
Kusch, Martin. Passage- A hybrid between interactive installation and performance In New realities: Being Syncretic, edited by R. Ascott and G. Bast and M. Jahrmann and R. Schnell, 174-178. Vienna: Springer, 2009.
Event: Sommerer, Christa, Mignonneau, Laurent, "Colloquium - Hybrid Ecosystems, Symbiotic Systems and Ecological Consciousness", Lecture at Art and Technology Formative Programm VIDA 2013, Mexico City (Mexiko), 18.07.2013Institution: Art and
“falling asleep” is an online interactive and performative virtual self-portrait, a ludic yet introspective journey into the depths of sleeplessness and the artist’s long-lasting struggle with insomnia. Clones of Martina’s body fall relentlessly and