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  • Event: Celestial Mechanics Selected WorksInstitution: SensoriumComment:
  • Jackpot is an Internet slot machine that downloads three randomly selected web sites and displays them in the browser's window along with their top level domain names. You win by matching any of the top level domains. The winner can submit a URL of
  • Joel Slayton is an artist, writer and theoretician. He is currently Professor of Digital Media Art at San Jose State University, where he serves as Director of the CADRE Institute, an interdisciplinary academic research center. Mr. Slayton is the
  • Zgonik, Nadja. 2. S: Izbrani avtorji, študenti drugega letnika specialističnega študija Akademije za likovno umetnost/Selected authors, students of the 2nd year of postgraduate study at the Academy of Fine Arts Ribnica: Gallery Miklova hiša (2000).
  • Media art from 25 nations is what the 17th World Wide Video Festival will present from 15 September until 11 October this year in Amsterdam. On September 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 many of the selected artists will be there in person and a number of them
  • Rochallyi, Radoslav. Selected BIBLIOGRAPHY 31.03.2022.
  • Uncle Roy All Around You is a game played online in a virtual city and on the streets of an actual city. Online Players and Street Players collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total
  • Primordial Dance -
    Primordial Dance is an experimental animation containing a progression of abstract textures and colors. It is a study of emerging and transforming mathematical equations. These effects were created using an interactive process of "artificial
  • "I smoked my first cigarette here. For years, I saw every single film at the Westdeutsche Kurzfilmtage, looking forward to those days in Oberhausen every year . These events were important for me, for my decision to become a filmmaker." Wim Wenders