Archive Search

  • Heavens Gate -
    Event: Heavens GateInstitution: Ferens Art GalleryComment:
  • Cyber 99 -
    Event: Cyber 99Institution: Centro Cultural BelemComment:
  • Lab 6 -
    Event: Lab 6Institution: Center of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Event: Perception and perspectiveInstitution: National Gallery of VictoriaComment:
  • Substance -
    Richard Brown, Alan Dunning and Paul Woodrow Curated by Michael Alstad and Camille Turner InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre in partnership with Subtle Technologies and Year Zero One present Substance, an exhibition of interactive
  • Avatar -
    Avatar shows projects by artists who investigate the phenomenon of the 'multiple personality'. In addition to photography, video and installations, projects using new media will be central in the event. During AVATAR a videoscreening will
  • Inventer '89 -
    Event: Inventer '89Institution: La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • ISEA 2000: revelation -
    Theme: Revelation
  • Images du Futur -
    Event: Images du FuturInstitution: Portugese Telecom GalleryComment:
  • Environments -
    Event: EnvironmentsInstitution: RijksuniversiteitComment: