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  • This series of artworks contemplates the screen and its origins. My time in the villages of Southeast Asia has shown me an array of organic resources that can be formed into papers. I've researched naturally-occurring translucent materials and have
  • In 2011 a kinetic installation for the deutsche bank headquaters in Frankfurt had been realized on the basis of an anamorphic distortion of their logo. The logo had been designed by anton Stankowsky in 1974 and was a radical step towards simplicity
  • ... that explores perceptual changes of shape at a cognitive...
  • Turnstile I connected a New York City Subway turnstile in Times Square to an identical turnstile placed in the gallery space. When a person passed through the turnstile in Times Square the arm of the turnstile in the gallery would turn in the
  • ... airflow constantly changes the air composition in the...
  • ... messages that were exchanged, news that was posted,...
  • Instant Messaging consists of an ad hoc network - spontaneously created network on top of an existing network - of software generated flies. The software works in a similar manner to a real-time peer-to-peer messaging software. The generated flies
  • Tryalogue
    ... developments and sudden changes in relationships between...
  • Garden Library -
    In this collaboration with Israeli artist Romy Achituv, I implemented a data visualization of the books in the Garden Library for Refugees and Migrant Workers in South Tel-Aviv. This is an open?air library located in a public park, established to
  • Playing Alphabet is an interactive installation composed of two computer keyboards. All alphabet letters are used to be heard in the same time, all of them are pronounced by male and female artificial voices. The two users can keep quiet or listen