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  • Greenhouse -
    ... humanity and environment from numbers, words and actions." The artistic concept of this work is “calculation anxiety or the...
  • ... in a rapid recoiling motion by all. The inspiration for this artwork is derived from the experience of hiking. In the forest, a...
  • Art biotech’ -
    ...Event: Art biotech’Institution: Lieu UniqueComment: Event: Art biotech’Institution: Lieu UniqueComment:
  • ...Event: L’homme-paysage à l’ère biotechnologique – croisements entre culture et nature dans l’art biotechInstitution: Collège International de... biotechnologique – croisements entre culture et nature dans l’art biotechInstitution: Collège International de Philosophie, Université de...
  • Time in between -
    Time in Between features urban views from both Taipei and Paris. It documents a compressed 24 hours in these two places with 24 locations and 24 Taiwanese people strolling in Paris. By seamlessly overlaying urban images from the two cities at
  • Starry, Starry Night -
    ...In this work, every participant is a star in the heaven. With each other of them, they communicate, create and illuminate, so that they sparkle...
  • ...Event: Art of the Biotech EraInstitution: Australian Experimental Art Foundation (AEAF)Comment: Event: Art of the Biotech EraInstitution: Australian Experimental Art Foundation (AEAF)Comment:
  • L'Art Biotech -
    ...Event: L'Art BiotechInstitution: Lieu UniqueComment: Event: L'Art BiotechInstitution: Lieu UniqueComment:
  • ...Event: Chimères, Monstres et Merveilles, de la Mythologie aux BiotechnologiesInstitution: Salle du quai Antoine 1erComment:
  • ... Johannes Lewckuk GERHARDT. HeartScapes and Terrarium Art Et Biotechnologies , no. 5 (2005). Günther Johannes Lewckuk GERHARDT. HeartScapes and Terrarium Art Et Biotechnologies , no. 5 (2005).