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  • ...De Holanda, Heloisa Buarque, ed. Quase catálogo 2: Artistas Plásticas no Rio de Janeiro 1975-85. Rio de Janeiro: CIEC / UFRJ, 1991.
  • ZOONE -
    Media environment Shown at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage" When the elephant falls from the tree, the ants die. Zoone- zone, zoo Computer images quickly animate a composition scheme with rhythm changes- Screen 1
  • ... the rhythm, mirror space, participants will feel like they art floating, as if they were among the stars in the eternal universe....
  • Silent group Picture -
    Please stand in front of the mechanical lamp. It will observe and track your face, as well as interact with you. It will follow you whenever you move to the right or left, taking pictures of your face, and then generating images of various people in
  • Time in between -
    Time in Between features urban views from both Taipei and Paris. It documents a compressed 24 hours in these two places with 24 locations and 24 Taiwanese people strolling in Paris. By seamlessly overlaying urban images from the two cities at
  • ...Benayoun, M.. Témoignage d’artiste Images, savoirs, numérique (2007).
  • Purification -
    ...Purification created during artist-in-residence in New Zealand at Unitec, the integration of local Maori myths, symbol and Nu Shu, trying to...
    Multichannel audiovisual composition (3Ch-Video, 4.1 Ch-Audio) This audiovisual journey focuses on viewing a natural field from a different perspective, with the perception of subtle movements and sounds leading the viewers / listeners to a magical
  • ... the horizontal composition. Birds in the Hat epitomizes the artist’s interest in image transformation as analogous to the...
  • ...Benayoun, M.. Preface: “L’artiste, la fusion critique et le neuro-mimétisme urbain” Chronotopies, Lecture et écriture des mondes en mouvement ...