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  • Curators: Olga Shishko and Elena Rumyantseva Participating artists: Tanya Akhmetgalieva (Russia) The Blue Soup (Russia) Alexandra Dementieva (Russia/Belgium) George Drivas (Greece) Omer Fast (Israel) William Hooker and Phill Niblock (USA) JODI
  • Event: Peter Weibel. Media rebelInstitution: 21er Haus, Österreichische Galerie BelvedereComment:
  • Weibel, Peter. Die Medienkunst und der veränderte Werkbegriff In Zur Definition eines neuen Kunstbegriffs, edited by Galerie Krinzinger, 21ff. : 1979.
  • The Tribe -
    What can the most successful doll on the planet show us about being Jewish today? Narrated by Peter Coyote, the film mixes old school narration with a new school visual style. The Tribe weaves together archival footage, graphics, animation, Barbie
  • The 21st Century Virtual Reality Color OrganArtist: Jack OxComment:
  • “Ins Universum der technischen Bilder” or “Lob der Oberflächlichkeit“ – with such programmatic titles Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) advanced to become one of the most influential thinkers to deal with communication and media in the 20th century. Flusser
  • We are always in partnership with someone or something. The issue is what we are explicit about; who, what we collaborate with. For more than 25 years Patrick Lichty has created work about mediation, networked society, and how that process of
  • facade presents the emotional real time state of the city of Trondheim is by using live data, and CCTV images to represent the Nova Building as a living breathing entity. NOVA FAÇADE. CICIOGNON SQUARE, TRONDHEIM This proposal has won the Nova
  • Passion5 -
    The intervention of Knowbotic Research includes several, sometimes contradictory levels. On the one hand, it reflects political culture in the early 21st Century, pointing to its limits. mutate to a worker moving recorded chants to mere sound that
  • Fisher, Scott S. and S. Amkraut and M. Girard and M. Trayle. Menagerie: Designing a Virtual Experience In Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, edited by Scott S. Fisher and M.T. Bolas and J. O. MerrittProc. SPIE 2177, Cambridge, MA: