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  • Box Man
    Weibel, Peter and David Felder and Henry Jesionka. Box Man In Ars Electronica 1987: Der Freie Klang, edited by Karl Gerbel, 158-161. Linz: Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1987.
  • Weibel, Peter and Valie Export. Stimmen aus dem Innenraum In Ars Electronica 1988: Kunst der Szene, edited by Gottfried Hattinger and Peter Weibel, 135-148. Linz: Gutenberg-Werbering, 1988.
  • Polylog
    Weibel, Peter and Gerhard Johann Lischka. Polylog In Im Netz der Systeme: Ars Electronica 1989 (Kunstforum International), edited by Peter Weibel and Gerhard Johann LischkaVol.103. , 65-86. : 1989.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV. Proc. SPIE1915, Cambridge: 1993.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications. Proc. SPIE 1256, Cambridge: 1990.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and M. McGreevy and J. Humphries and Robinett,
    W.. Virtual Environment Display System In ACM Workshop on 3D Interactive Graphics, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 23-24, Chapel Hill: 1986.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and M. McGreevy and J. Humphries and Robinett,
    W.. Virtual Workstation: A Multimodal, Stereoscopic Display Environment In Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, edited by D. P. CasasentProc. SPIE 726, Cambridge, MA: 1986.
  • Berger, J. D., ed. Virtual Interface Environment for TelepresenceApplications. : 1987.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and Tatsya Saito and Ian McDowall and Nakayama,
    Yuuta and Mark Bolas and Kenji Kohiyama. Micro Archiving and Interactive Virtual Insect Exhibit In Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX, edited by S. Benton and J....
  • Fisher, Scott S. and B. Laurel. Be There Here InterCommunication 0 (Spring 1992).