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  • Digital video 4 mins 20 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose Inspired by the book of the same title by Gustave Flaubert. Here Anthony is every one of us, the temptation our capacity to change the world and reshape it, through technology, in
  • CrypoMania -
    The exhibition’s title, Cryptomania, is a composite of the word Crypto, a technological trend that expresses the encryption of private information as a reaction to the digital world that offers no privacy, and the word Mania, which expresses the
  • We are at the edge between human need and human greed. No need to be inside the Matrix to see that the world is covered with data quantifying all human activities into convertible and interpretable figures. As the new part of the Mechanics of
  • Connection -
    A series of video illusions for drivers is projected onto the front window of the Cartier Foundation, Boulevard Raspail, one of the main streets in Paris. The real-life scale of these videos gives drivers the impression that new streets have opened
  • Little Movies -
    "Little Movies" is a lyrical and theoretical project about the aesthetics of digital cinema, and a eulogy to its earliest form--QuickTime. The project began in 1994 when the World Wide Web was just beginning to gain mass exposure. Manovich's
  • In only its second year, VideoFest has become the largest european video festival. Video is a young artform; from the beginning, it has been a reaction to the “brave new world” of the highly technical mass societies with all their computers, nuclear
  • Weelden, Willem van. Interview with Zoe Beloff In Catalog of the15th World Wide Video Festival, Stedelijk Museum, edited by Stedelijk MuseumAmsterdam, NL: 1997.
  • The fourth annual festival of performances in UpStage will be held on 10 October, 2010, featuring a record 17 shows made by more than 50 artists from around the world. 101010 began at 8pm New Zealand time on Sunday 10 October and ran until 4pm the
  • Weibel, Peter. Das Rauschen des Beobachters In Mythos Information. Welcome to the Wired World., edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter Weibel, 8-23. Wien, New York: Springer Verlag, 1995.
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... computer world, but rather,...