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  • MELT -
    ... and actions of the visitors. Melt consists of 50...
  • Trigger
    ... the stairwell space. Visitors passed through a set of...
  • ... data link. This enabled visitors to the "Inter-Sections"...
  • ... the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to...
  • ... of interactions. If visitors interact with...
  • PointScreen - video
    ... Frankfurt with 100,000 visitors. Our vision of the...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... gazing into the water, visitors see themselves, creating...
  • ... this interactive table. Visitors gather around this... infamous "death strip" where the Wall was impassable. In...
  • ... practice. The number of visits saw a significant...
  • ... gamers as well as the visitors are immersed inside an...