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  • Machado, Arlindo and Silvia Laurenitz and Fernando Iazzetta. Panorama de Arte e Tecnologia do Brasil
  • org. Itaulab. Emoção Art.Ficial 3: interface cibernética Encarte: documentário em DVD.
  • Susan Narduli is a Los Angeles-based artist and Principal of Narduli Studio – an interdisciplinary design practice with commissions in public art, public spaces, digital installations, light environments, and landscapes. She holds a Bachelor of Fine
  • Vita: Susanne Schuricht is based in Berlin. Her work engages in installations and photography and is about "the perception of seeing." In many of here installations the human scale and interaction are relevant. From 1997 - 2003 she studied
  • Evelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree in Philosophy from Media Studies. Her works in the field of media and new media art focus
  • org. Itaulab. Emoção Art.Ficial 3: interface cibernética Encarte: documentário em DVD.
  • Lin Pey-Chwen was born in Ping-tong County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was chairwoman of the Graduate School of Multimedia and Animation Arts, National Taiwan
  • ITCH
    The ITCH acronym stands for “Interactive Technology – Community Hacking”, and as such it tries to represent a wide artistic research project concerning with the impact of personal mobile technologies on social behavior, particularly in the public
  • Jihyun Kim and Andres Colubri. ITCH. Individual Technology/Community Hacking. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2010.
  • Ken Rinaldo is internationally recognized for interactive art installations developing hybrid ecologies with animals, algorithms, plants, and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex social, biological,