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  • Gernemann-Paulsen, A. and C. Robles Angel and U. Seifert and L. Schmidt. Physical Computing and New Media Art – new challenges events. 27. Tonmeistertagung (2012).
  • The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (MoMAK), is pleased to announce on the behalf of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (MOMAT) and the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (Hiroshima MOCA) the upcoming exhibition, William
  • Event: The Digital Outbreak: the End of the End of ArtInstitution: The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual ChallengesComment:
  • Event: Challenges of Digital Art for our SocietiesInstitution: MUMOK - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig FoundationComment:
  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of
  • Mark-David Hosale is a computational artist and composer. He is an Associate Professor in Computational Arts in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has given lectures and taught internationally at
  • Technologies and M- Health: Challenges and opportunities
  • Dreams Grrrls -
    "Dream Grrrls is a real-time interactive CAVETM virtual art environment created by M. Dolinsky and Grit Sehmisch. Dream Grrrls invites you to explore dreaming in a labyrinth. Discover paths that lead to whimsical worlds - where you can ride a
  • Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an exhibition space. Then two performers were filmed in the space using a 16mm motion picture camera on a slowly rotating turntable in the room’s
  • CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. In the world of Continuum people live and die in circumstances, where civilization is only a gauze misting the sight in the reality of violence. In a continuous process - continuum -