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  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    It is an environment of artificial life where the individuals, represented by graphics filaments, are endowed with own intelligence and character. They can interact, exchange information and reproduce. Through the mechanisms of genetic mutations,
  • Digital Cubes consists of four cubes with a display on the top side that show various light patterns depending on how they are arranged. The Digital Cubes react very dynamically. One cube alone is dark and seems to be passive. When two cubes are put
  • zgodlocator -
    Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive.
  • Pixelwelle
    The Pixel Wave welcomes visitors in the Pixelpark Berlin lobby. The peppier somebody walks along the four-meter-long virtual wave, the more it undulates each pixel. If the viewer pauses in front of the wave installation, single pixels open up and
  • interskin -
    Whereas the first cyberSM project used a visual interface to influence and control the remote environment, the functionality of the third generation suits shifts the emphasis away from the computerscreen as mediator to the body itself. In the
  • the leap -
    The Leap carries out a new interpretation of Norwegian national symbols: Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt", Edvard Grieg's music to the play and The Norwegian mountain wilds. In the installation these functions as condensed symbols of our
  • p53 -
    Grinder p53 is a life-printing machine. It is a monument made to reprint life. Hammered into granite the sculpture portrays the entire genetic sequence of the human suicide gene p53. The gene is exposed in a completely reproducible way. With a
  • Biometric identificationsystems like Irisscanning use mathematical methods to identify personal characteristics. The BiometricSoundEngine works the same way. Personal data like the color information of the human iris is not used for surveillance or
  • Pikapika -
    Meet Pikapika--a character influenced by anime and manga; Japanese pop animation and comics. Pikapika embodies movements from bunraku (puppet theater), a movement vocabulary Tomie Hahn studied while learning nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance)
  • The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big