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  • ... before the full arc of his distinguished career. Acknowledging the profound significance of...
  • ... and Mary Ellen Bute. Belson began his career as a painter but from 1946 increasingly...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is...
  • ... ferry boats, but also that of the human cargo and their electronic devices. Until now...
  • Survey of Prints -
    ... his art practice from the beginning of his career,” says Aprile Gallant, curator of prints,...
  • ... with the exception of a small elite. "'Cargo' by Lawrence Bird creates an emblem of the...
  • ... with multimedia art Media Art....
  • Medidas de emergencia -
    ... to form. This turning point in Abbot’s career occurs in the mid-nineties and coincides with...
  • ... art, technology and science, and previous career in internet start-ups and journalism....
  • Tollen
    ... move in unpredictable ways, sometimes careful and hesitating, sometimes aggressive and...