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  • Soul Of The City -
    ... email: stanza at ...
  • ... pixel-landscape. The pixel grid forms the environment, the habitat, of...
  • Landstream -
    ... through a space, and transforms the data into visual information...
  • ... board of ISEA International, formerly the International Society for...
  • education: 1999-2002 Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands (MFA) 1997-1999 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1995-1997 Hochschule Fuer Gestaltung, Pforzheim, Germany exhibitions: 2010 exhibition 'Info Deco Data: Work in
  • ... a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT Press....
  • World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 16th. Vol.16th. 2000 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 2000.
  • World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 13th. 1995 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 1995.
  • World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 14th. 1996 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 1996.
  • Nijholt, Anton. Brain Art: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. Enschede, The Netherlands: Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019.