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  • Heaven -
    supose we told you about a machine that receives images form heaven would you believe us ? and if we say you may conect to this machine via Cu seeme reflector ? would you try it ? could you believe in a machine that connects you to the globe and
  • Virtual Concrete -
    Virtual Concrete consists of six 3-ft slabs of concrete covered with large electrostatic (digital output) prints, along with light sensors and a computer connected to the Internet via a CU-SeeMe camera. The website concrete allows
  • Uncontrolled Hermetic -
    Uncontrolled Hermetic featured a single life-size human figure 'bagged' in a bunny suit made of felt. The figure stood outside a clean room, which housed a Victorian drawing machine that makes self-generated drawings apparently without
  • M I N D CA T H E D R A L V I R T U A L R E A L I T Y Mind Cathedral is a gigantic abstract VR construction, consisting of enormous pillars seemingly thrown on to and over one another, creating a kind of mental vertigo. They are hollow, so if one
  • The Behaviour of Objects is rAndom’s first gallery exhibition in London with Carpenters Workshop Gallery in Mayfair. Exhibiting both ‘Swarm Light’ and ‘Self Portrait‘, the show lays the ground for a significant expansion of the studios’ performative
  • Curator: Christiane Paul Works by: Rebecca Allen David Rokeby Christa Sommerer+Laurent Mignonneau Maciej Wisniewski eVolution approaches the realm of artificial life from the perspective of art and takes a look at the different ways in wich artists
  • Fleeting Words -
    Fleeting Words is a light installation involving a unique system of LED light displays, based on the theme of "Cybermedia". The viewer sees text statements in English and Spanish but the words are only seen as fleeting images Commissioned for Art
  • Two rocking chairs are installed on the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The interaction is triggered when two people from the audience sit in the chairs and rock. Each chair has a sensor and motor.These
  • Watch -
    Construction of an artificial perception systems, electronic systems that are able to see. Usually, the actual images are seen only by the system, which replies to what it sees with interpretive sounds or music. (source:
  • Recombinant Figure -
    Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The viewer sees themselves reflected in a maze of mirrors within the work whilst the