Archive Search

  • BEAP 2002: PREMISE -
    BEAP is an international event which includes a conference,symposiums, forum and exhibition presenting the theoretical, cultural and philosophical basis of Electronic Arts practice. The inaugural thematic focus for BEAP is LOCUS, the place where we
  • The elegant 19th-century interior of the Rideau Chapel is once again transformed through Janet Cardiff’s extraordinary audio installation Forty-Part Motet, a contemporary reworking of Spem in Alium by the 16th-century composer Thomas Tallis.
  • Eurographics 2006 -
    The annual main conference of the European Association of Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2006, will take place from the 4th to the 8th of September 2006 in Vienna, Austria. It is co-organized by the Vienna University of Technology and the Austrian
  • Cynetart 2001 -
    Event: Cynetart 2001Institution: Trans Media Akademie HellerauComment:
  • The Boundary Rider -
    Event: The Boundary RiderInstitution: MOMA contemporaryComment:
  • InterActiva 92 -
    Event: InterActiva 92Institution: Freie Universität Comment:
  • Telematic Dreaming -
    Event: Telematic DreamingInstitution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • Event: Floriade, World Horticultural ExhibitionInstitution: Floriade - Stuurgroep Haarlemmerméér GroenComment:
  • Event: DEAF 96: Digital TerritoriesInstitution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • Event: New Media - Mediality - cultural transferInstitution: Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinComment: