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  • The sculptures “reconfigure(d) – object 1 and 2” are part of a series of kinetic objects dealing with elusive states of consciousness and the translation of brain activity measurements into rhythms. With this body of work I am studying the
  • Solid Landscapes -
    In the video "Solid Landscapes", the artist “spells out” the never-ending growth of usable and productive (anti-)landscapes by reproducing and multiplying evidence of a dramatic change that is occurring in an incremental manner around the world. It
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. The Immersive Poetics of Artificial Worlds Hybrid Reality Art Technology and The Human Factor 8 (2003): 579-593.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Günther Johannes Lewckuk GERHARDT. Exchanges of eletric human signals and artistic immersive poetics In Art et Biotechnologies, edited by Louise POISSANT and Ernestine DAUBNERMontréal: Presses de L’Université du
  • more-than-human -
    Curated by Jane Tingley
  • Living Tattoo -
    Workshop in the event HCI - ACM 2008 - Urban mixed life
  • Event: Almost Human: Digital Art from the Permanent CollectionInstitution: San Jose Museum of ArtComment:
  • Pupil
    Pupil is an album dedicated to the non-human animals that accompany us in life, to the distance, to the learning of a language that is not one's own, that babbles. It is composed with different digital techniques that include but are not limited to
  • Source of Energy -
    Kombucha SCOBY (a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is an incredible creature. There are many different myths and legends about this. Even one concerns its extraterrestrial origin. Kombucha is also unique in that it cannot be accurately
  • Nastplas is an international Artists duo based in Madrid, Spain, formed in 2006 by illustrator Fran R. Learte 'drFranken' and creative director Natalia Molinos 'Na' (together 'Equipo Nastplas'). Our work combines an impressive range of digital