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  • Nancy Mauro-Flude & Yoko Akama. Feminist Server Stack: co-designing feminist web servers to reimagine Internet futures 1 (2022): 48-62.
  • Jamieson, Helen Varley. Digital Mobility / Mobile Thinking In Mobility in Culture: Conceptual Frameworks and Approaches, edited by Dea Vidović and Nancy DuxburyVol.1. , 108-127. : i-Portunus Houses, 2022.
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Art, Eco-aesthetics and Cosmopolitics In Green Revisited. Encountering Emerging Naturecultures in Art and Research, edited by Jeans Hauser and Kristin Bergaust and Raitis Smits and Rasa Smite, 217 - 236. : RIXC, 2022.
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Practiced, Conceived and Lived space in the Postdigital City 22 (2022): 47 - 58.
  • Documentary. In: For a digital imagination with Edmond Couchot, exhibition catalogue. * . In:TRAMUS, Marie-Hélène,DASTE, Sophie,SOHIER, Rémy Sohier, Emmanuel and ROLAND Dominique)CUISINIER, Emmanuel, and ROLAND Dominique (Commissariat)
  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    The work combines various mediums and literary genres (the cookbook’s taxonomy and authoritative style, scientific papers, children’s rhymes…) to reshape its own and presents the reader with complex assemblages on entangled phenomena related to
  • Cadence (2022) by Kayla Parker is an animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain.
  • Ars Electronica 2023 -
    Event: Ars Electronica 2023Institution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • Triana, Alba. The Music of Things. 1 th ed.Bogota, Colombia: Museum of Modern Art of Bogota — MAMBO, 2023.
  • RESPONSIVE WORKBENCH : THINKING BY HAND 1993 The Responsive Workbench is an evolution of the interactive table interface in Berlin-Cyber City, which inspired physicist Wolfgang Krüger's Responsive Workbench idea. The first prototype was created in