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  • Illustration -
    ...IllustrationArtist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Simon Biggs -
    ...As contemporary art practice moves ceaselessly into the vast and infinitely complex field of video and computer technology, the McDougall Art...
  • ...I Just Wannabe An Artist (book 1 & 2)Artist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Virtual Book -
    ... each other?" The second idea of the virtual book originated in artists' books. We thought about how to record artistic processes....
  • ...MARS—the Media Arts Research Studies at GMD (1995–2001) and at Fraunhofer (2001–2012) The MARS - Exploratory Media Lab, initiated and directed...
  • Artist: Saehae ChungComment:
  • Tea Flock -
    Tea Flock infuses migrating rituals and represents emerging patterns through the group behaviour of objects, using data from migratory birds to-and-from tea-growing countries and the UK. A dynamic gaggle of unfilled vessels flock to tea-rich lands
  • Artist: Theodorus ChiotidisComment:
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    ... is placed in the state of auto(rhetarian) author. First, as artistic personality generating its significant discourse, its self...
  • ...nquest of Imperfection is the first major UK exhibition of Japanese media artist Masaki Fujihata's acclaimed interactive work, featuring...