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  • ... projected over them. As visitors walk past the Membrane,... layered context where physical presence and media...
    ... interface that visitors walk over. The computer...
  • n-Polytope -
    ... and disappear before the visitors’ eyes. ...
  • ... Percent Unique Visitors 1 United States...
  • Helpdesk
    ... exhibition hall invites visitors to start a discussion...
  • ... collected. All visitors of STOP the NATO website... to create a free place, where doesn’t exist censorship....
  • Nuclear Family -
    ... a different group. The visitors are invited to... corresponding to a group where they feel included. The...
  • Extended Family -
    ... and the human beings – the visitors – are invited to... as an installation where images obtained by...
  • ... people and movements. Visitors can select any city or...
  • ... exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual... to be abstract enough where needed to not duplicate a...