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  • Curatorial managers: Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel Curator of the web-based projects: Steve Dietz The exhibition Making Things Public addresses the challenge of renewing politics by applying to it the spirit of art and science. This unusual
  • Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of
  • Nano-Scape - video
    This nano-scale sculpture is invisible, just like the Nano-world it comments about. While science and media try to capture images of these tiniest of particles in order to understand their properties, Nano-Scape tries to make this Nano-world
  • A visual/sonic installation that immerses the viewer in quantum phenomenon. Quantum Consciousness is an audio-visualisation of atomic data which indexes the quantum “movement” of an electron. This project delivers an aesthetic and immersive
  • The piece, being a part of the show “It’s Two Minutes to Midnight,” provides viewers with an educational journey on humankind’s history of de- and re-nuclearization. The show, organized by Weinberg/Newton Gallery in collaboration with the Bulletin
  • The Waiting Room -
    "The Waiting Room" is a virtual space that 50 users share through the Internet. The visitors to the space are strangers, united by the software, the Internet, and the artwork itself. In this space the visitor becomes a participant in a moving
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    Janet Cardiff's Her Long Black Hair is a 35-minute journey that begins at Central Park South and transforms an everyday stroll in the park into an absorbing psychological and physical experience. Cardiff takes each listener on a winding journey
  • The medium of light transversing a space is the very property that makes space experiential, and therefore 'real'. Julius then might use optical elements such as mirrors and lenses, to add an-other dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on
  • The PHSCologram is a homage to 'Have a Nice Day' produced in 2002 by Ellen Sandor in collaboration with Martyl Langsdorf’ the author of Doomsday Clock, originally designed for the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine in 1947. The
  • The scenery referring to Martyl Langsdorf’s painting "Doomsday Clock Have a nice day" is contrasted with Martyl’s Doomsday Clock which she originally designed for the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine in 1947. The “Bulletin”,