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  • ... a medium. The new water chases out the old, but the patterns remain the same. % SPACES - algorithmic spaces, with their own...
  • ... constitute and are constituted by metadata might be brought to light, questioned, and, perhaps most pressingly, how they might be...
  • ... with statements from contemporary protagonists who bring to light implications and consequences of Lethal Autonomous Weapons...
  • ... long. These lines are reflected while maintaining the color, light and the movement of the external area, wherein the multiple...
  • Image Fulgurator -
    ... a classical camera, though in reverse. In a normal camera, the light reflected from an object is projected via the lens onto the...
  • ... and so in cause of a great number of requests the website remain blocked and it is not reachable to any other. This form of... We are delight to introduce a new independent space in order to continue and to...
  • ... room is like an offering to life. The red color created by the light on the TV screen is like immaterial blood, feverishly boiling...
  • In this essay, media researcher and developer Tiago Martins provides insight into the development process of the mixed-reality archive AR[t]chive during a large research project. The HoloLens based application enables users to explore archived
  • Changes of State -
    ... facade, as follows (in one typical scenario): 1. Poster lights go off, overhead tape player comes on. 2. Window lights go...
  • The Magic Flute -
    ... moon and the figure of the Queen of the Night, and white with lightness, the sun, and the figure of Sarastro. The renderings by...