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  • A light installation for the Night of Museums Berlin inspired by the concept of coloured shadows in Goethe’s Theory of Colours
  • Ursula Damm studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, followed by postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media arts in Cologne. Early sculptures were models of space and time, developed in a bodily experience. In the 1990s installations were
  • Andres Burbano and Hernando Barragán, ed. Hipercubo/ok : arte, ciencia y tecnología en contextos próximos. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes : Goethe Institut Bogotá, 2002.
  • Hartmut Jahn is a German artist, film-director and author in the field of media. He has been appointed Professor in the Media Design department at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in 1998. Since 2011 he has been director / speaker of the Mainz
  • Giannetti, Claudia and Peter Weibel and Lynn Hershman and Siegfried Zielinski, ed. Arte en la Era Electrónica. Perspectivas de una Nueva Estética. Barcelona, Spain: ACC ' Angelot / Goethe-Institut, 1997.
  • Andres Burbano, ed. Siegfried Zielinski: Genealogías, visión, escucha y comunicación. 1st th ed.Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad de Los Andes : Goethe Institut Bogotá, 2007.
  • Images Festival -
    Event: Images FestivalInstitution: Goethe InstitutComment:
  • Performative Event in Second Life
  • A performative event by Tamiko Thiel and the U|D|K as Artist in Residence at Goethe-Institut Second Life
  • Online event hosted between the Goethe-Institut Boston and Lothringer13/programangels Munich.