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  • ...Jones, Caroline A. ;Galison, Peter Louis, ed. Picturing Science, Producing Art....
  • ...Barral, Xavier and Ryoji Ikeda and Caroline Naphegyi, ed. V =/ L Book. Paris, FR:...
  • ...Chik, Caroline. L'image paradoxale. Fixité et mouvement. Montreal: Presses...
  • ...Bourgeois Caroline and Lebovici Elisabeth. L'Argent, catalog. Paris, France:...
  • Cologne OFF, 2012 -
    ... (7:37 duration). Venues: -CeC - Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal, -India...
  • Sacred texts drawn as calligraphy: Some of the most powerful books in history are trying to connect people to something that is beyond the range of ordinary thinking. These same books, when read through ordinary thinking, can be reduced to rules and
  • ... outside of Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • ...Vincenzo de Bellis and Caroline Dumalin, ed. MARIO GARCÍA TORRES: ILLUSION...
  • ... (Department of English, North Carolina State University), The Nod... F. S. Dòdaro-F. Aprile, but currently he is the director of New Page...
  • Electronic Vibes -
    ...2016 Electronic Vibes Exhibition Curator: Caroline Ha Thuc Art Project Officer:...