Archive Search

  • MovieMovie -
    Event: MovieMovieInstitution: St. George's Arts CentreComment:
  • The Pneu-Written -
    Event: The Pneu-WrittenInstitution: St. George's Arts CentreComment:
  • InterActiva 93 -
    Event: InterActiva 93Institution: Freie Universität Comment:
  • IMAGINA 93 -
    Event: IMAGINA 93Institution: Institut National de l'AudiovisuelComment:
  • The Globe Show -
    Event: The Globe ShowInstitution: Omphalos GalleryComment:
  • Haunted Media -
    Artists: Susan Hiller, Thomson & Craighead, Susan Collins, Scanner, S Mark Gubb, Lindsay Seers, Patrick Ward. An exhibition of electronic media artworks examining the association of new media with supernatural phenomena. From the use of photography,
  • Event: conFIGURING the CAVEInstitution: ICC (Intercommunication Center)Comment:
  • SPEED -
    Event: SPEEDInstitution: Wilhelm Lehmbruck MuseumComment:
  • Imago -
    Event: ImagoInstitution: ZKMComment:
  • In Conversation -
    In November 1997, on Duke Street in Brighton, passers-by encountered an animated mouth projected onto the pavement. Through loudspeakers they could also hear a voice trying to strike up a conversation (the voice was made up of text to speech