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  • ... I have presented my academic and artistic research internationally in Portugal,...
  • ... graduated from the Emily Carr School of Art and Design in 1983 with an honours degree in...
  • ... actual scientific basis, however, the artwork takes artistic license to imagine a...
  • When I Dream -
    Who am I when I dream? How many different lives do I live in my sleep? Where do those lives go when I wake? Where do those selves go when I wake?
  • I am Sound -
    ... image into sound - transforming the participant's face into a musical portrait. “I Am...
  • El Barrio is home! -
    ... in New York City. Back in 2012 as AR artistic advisor I helped them get a Rockefeller...
  • Land of Cloud -
    Winner of the VRHAM 2018 Audience Award Three days journey beyond Space and Time lies the Land of Cloud. The people there are silent. They communicate not through speech, gesture or gaze, but instead through strange and wondrous "cloud mirrors."
  • 3D Ceramic Print Sculpture + Mixed Reality AR installation (with /p), 2019 Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something
  • ...The interdisciplinary artist MOON a.k.a. Martina Zelenika is visionary artist with a unique artistic...
  • ...Mateo Zlatar is a New-York based digital artist and composer. His work crosses diverse media and...