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  • Presentation of digital film as largescale projection with amplified stereo sound from DCP on continuous loop in the cinema, for seated audience; for Plymouth Arts Centre's exhibition programme of artist's moving image (premiere, 10 to 19 January
  • Can you see me now? -
    Can You See Me Now?draws upon the near ubiquity of handheld electronic devices in many developed countries. Blast Theory are fascinated by the penetration of the mobile phone into the hands of poorer users, rural users, teenagers and other
  • growth pattern -
    allison kudla growth pattern, 2010 A light box array of Petri dishes containing agar, nutrients, hormones, die-cut leaves Production: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón Acknowledgements: Universidad de Washington, Seattle;
  • Bricken, Meredith. Inventing Reality (HTL Memo No. M-89-2). Seattle: 1989.
  • Slater, Mel and Martin Usoh. Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference - Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, IEEE Neural Networks Council, Seattle, WA, , 90-96. Seattle, WA: 1993.
  • Hershman-Leeson, Lynn, ed. Clicking In. Seattle: Bay Press, 1996.
  • Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Project Studios One (P.S.1), New York; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof; Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Haus der Kunst, München
  • digital "Minuets and Polonaise" is a digital transcription of 6 of the 18 pieces from the Anna Magdalena Notebook (Klavier-Büchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach) by Johann Sebastian Bach.
  • Verotsko, Roman (Illustrations), ed. Derivation of the Laws. Minneapolis, US: A limited edition, St. Sebastian Press, Minneapolis, 1991.
  • Cilleruelo, Lourdes. Manual de referencia para el artista de Internet In Arte elektronikoa Euskal Herrian. Un lugar para el arte en el lugar de la ciencia., edited by .San Sebastián, Spain: Kutxaespacio de la ciencia, 2001.