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  • musicbox -
    The musicbox is a tangible interface supporting remote awareness through the medium of music and light. The musicbox is linked over the Internet to the music and light levels surrounding a remote piano. The system communicates live music and a sense
  • TouchCounters -
    ... for each object. Just as "hit counters"...
  • Bio-Présence -
    ... parts are like the leaves and...
  • Tower
    Tower is an interactive literary art work where the computer listens to and anticipates what is to be said by those interacting with it. A self-learning system, as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of
  • ... in the space like the Great Image....
  • Zapp, Andrea. A Sense of Weightlessness In Urban Cycles, edited by Galina Dimitrova and Anneke Pettican and Steve Symons, 42-50. Manchester, UK: i3 Publications, 2003.
  • The Giver of Names is quite simply, a computer system that gives objects names. The installation includes an empty pedestal, a video camera, a computer system and a small video projection. The camera observes the top of the pedestal. The
  • off-sense 2006 -
    The physical space of the gallery becomes entangled with the navigable space of the virtual environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars float, roam and communicate
  • ... out something like the fourth dimension,...
  • Fox Keller, Evelyn. Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors, and Machines. Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press, 2002.