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  • bit.flow mk2 -
    julius popp bit.flow mk2, 2007-2008 Mixed media Courtesy: Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig Navigation through the modern world is no longer linear; the thread cannot serve as a model for its description. In bit.flow mk2 dozens of tiny pieces of the
  • Bifurcation, Shadow Object 2, 2012 Computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor, fumigated wood 175 x 122 cm Ed. 1/6 +1AP A small Y-shaped branch, similar to a divining rod, is suspended from a thread and moves with the air flow
  • Fluides is an organic and reactive artwork where a sensitive water gathers energy from spectators’ hands. This water is a unifying thread which conducts bodies’ energies in the center of the installation through infinite sonorous and luminous fluids
  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000 Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing
  • Albu, Cristina. Intimate Connections: Alternative Communication Threads in Nina Sobell's Video Performances and Installations (1974-1983) Camera Obscura: Journal of Feminism, Culture and Media Studies; Duke University Press 35, no. 1 (Spring
  • Double Life -
    "My double life" is a video installation made up of several diptychs. All individuals divide their lives into a professional activity performed in order to survive, and their true skills that are unrelated to work. The diptychs show the
  • Grau, Oliver. Our Digital Culture Threatened by Loss The World Financial Review (2014): 40-42.
  • On a dark computerscreen the viewer sees a threedimensional sphere with a surface showing a closeup view of human skin. By lifting up the mouse and moving the ball underneath with the thumb the movement of the virtual object can be manipulated.
    ... this form of normality changes our perspective towards...
  • click here to read the code >click here to launch the project >Java Applet