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  • "Vectorial Elevation" was an interactive art project which allowed thousands of people from 89 countries to control 18 robotic searchlights with 126,000 watts of power and link Cyberspace with Mexico’s most emblematic urban landscape. Mexico City’s
  • "Body Movies" transforms public space with 400 to 1,800 square metres of interactive projections. Thousands of photo portraits taken on the streets of the cities where the project is exhibited are shown using robotically controlled projectors.
  • Djehan Kidd is an "immersive" artist & pionneer of the metaverse, she is based in France and Venice in Italy. She creates the largest and longest running futuristic city in the metaverse since 2007 as part of the mission of the cultural non profit
  • Voz Alta -
    "Voz Alta" (Loud Voice) is a memorial commissioned for the 40th anniversary of the student massacre in Tlatelolco, which took place on October 2nd 1968. In the piece, participants speak freely into a megaphone placed on the "Plaza de las Tres
  • span 3 -
    isabelle jenniches span 3, 2008-2009 Digital LightJet print, 73.7 x 304.8 cm Acknowledgements: Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst, Douanekantoor Maasvlakte Many miles away from the actual location, yet connected via the Internet,
  • Make Out -
    Make Out Shadow Box 8 , 2009 "Make Out" is the eight piece in the Shadow Box series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows thousands of internet videos of couples looking at each other: as soon as
  • Dark Matter - video
    Dark Matter: The darkened gallery space is dominated by an invisible sculpture of silent sound. Your body probes the space listening for the sculpture's spatial form to be expressed though the sounds of your contact with its immaterial presence.
  • Faces in the Sky -
    Look to the clouds trying to image faces is a carefree game that everyone does. In Faces in the Sky the artificial intelligence of a computer try to do the same action through an algorithm made for search human faces inside photos. I submitted to
  • Crystal Math. 1-channel video, 5.1 sound, 5000 m nylon-wire With thousands of meters of nylon threat Sylvia Eckermann produced a spider web that serves as the captivating projection screen for her "expressive verbal image" (Sabine Dreher) with which
  • Animal Accessories -
    " Animal Accessories" * performance concerns 2 artists. Pepi Kelaidi sews with a surgical suture Yiannis Melanitis' cheek, extending the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass mask. The procedure