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  • Nervousness. Allergy. Dependence. A hypersensitive environment transforms the image to a reactive system which parasites on it¹s surroundings, circumstances, observer. The image behaves like a instable network, a mutating virus, a overloaded nervous
  • Born in Seoul, South Korea, Bo Lee is a contemporary artist, using video, drawing and found objects to explore various themes. His videos often implement a collection of rapid cuts to experiment with social meaning while his drawings play with
  • Slippery Traces -
    Slippery Traces is a multi-linear visual narrative in which viewers navigate through a network of over 240 interconnected postcards classified into 24 categories or chapters. The intention of the work has been to explore database structures as a
  • In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on the perception of and on the engagement with social constructed spaces becomes evident. Under the conditions of telecommunication, digital networks, distributed
  • Sky -
    Sky is a collection of conceptual pieces to transform nuclear weapons into works of art. (Iris-Project) (source:
  • Microvenus -
    Joe Davis concepted "Microvenus" explicitly as an artwork and living art. His aim is the investigation of possibilities of communication with aliens and the search of longliving informaiton carriers. The main aim of the project is the investigation
  • An interactive installation that features a dynamically growing collection of cellphone images visually sequenced according to contributors' metadata and text tags. The public is invited to send photos taken on their cell phones adding tags to
  • Internet, search engine, cartography Maps from the World Nervous System With today's communication networks, the world is equipped with an extensive virtual nervous system. From anywhere in the world one can feel what's happening anywhere
  • In contemporary times we may ask: is the search for self-knowledge extended and amplified through the medium of digital media? Or, do we find ourselves in a crisis - like that of Narcissus’ confusion or the loss of the soul - in which we can no
  • Feedback -
    Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the visitor steps on a wah-wah pedal. “Feedback” is a gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and