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  • ... the world, and RL...
  • "Geometries of Power" is a multi-user online 3D world that uses the interactive characteristics of space, geometry and sound to question concepts of power and control. Beginning with the blank canvas of a faceless modern city, participants
  • ... for a world, shaped as a...
  • Internet, video projections on gaze and helium bal Playing instruments is the common lot of music. Playing with emotions is the common lot of politics and entertainment Considering the Net as the World nervous system. Scanning the
  • Palo Alto -
    Palo Alto is Banz & Bowinkel’s second work dealing with the representation of a hypothetical virtual reality. Driven by the notion that the virtual world is not the sphere of simulated reality but rather its counterpart, the computer acts as an
  • Expected date for completion of large scale permanent artwork commissioned for the new Norman Foster designed world headquarters of Allen and Overy, Spitalfields, City of London. (source:
  • ... at United Nations in...
  • Apparitions -
    Artists' Statement Apparitions is both a physical installation at the UCSD University Art Gallery, and a computer generated virtual environment. It is the result of a collaboration between a group of artists and programmers working under the
  • ... states of...
  • Viewfinder
    “Viewfinder” is a novel method for users to spatially situate, or “find the pose,” of their photographs, and then to view these photographs, along with others, as perfectly aligned overlays in a 3D world model such as Google Earth. Our objective is