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  • ...Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines Myriam Thyes, 2015, animation, HD video, 10:10, loop, stereo. Sound: Silvia Pachler. In what is, prima... an aspect of DADA re-emerges – the (meaning-denying) art of refugees from war. The animation, which combines eight of her...
  • Media Forum 2001 -
    ... presentation of the three International Festival programmes in video, TV and Internet respectively. Every festival programme has to... certain risk, we decided to test the viability of experimental art in the environment that makes no allowance for age or the...
  • Explosions in the Sky -
    ...The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the digital com-pressure; the result are fragments,... The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the digital com-pressure; the result are fragments,...
  • ...Ascott, Roy. The Shamantic Web: art et technologie de la conscience In Pour une Ecologie des Media: Art, Cinéma, Vidéo, Ordinateur, edited by...
  • ...Two video projections are confronted on the same screen. The first shows the bodies of African dancers in exultant movements, gradually moving...
  • Video-Film-Experiment
  • ...Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An installation using one monitor, one live computer feed (simulating in realtime...
  • ...-driven media installation, custom movie generating software, database of video clips, variable configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • ...Digital video 4 mins 20 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose Inspired by the book of the same title by Gustave Flaubert. Here Anthony...
  • 4,24′ The video Inverse space works on two levels of microscopic observation: the first line of recordings shows the transformation of a...