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  • Ellen Pearlman is a New York based media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at MIT, Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT
  • Pulse Park -
    In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of
  • Masaki Fujihata is one of the pioneers of Japanese new media art, beginning his career working in video and digital imaging in the early 80s. As an early practitioner of the application of new technologies to the process of artmaking, he was one of
  • Before the background of unforeseen global processes, credit crash and climate change, the exhibition el proceso como paradigma researches the nature of processes and self organising, processual systems on a cultural level and in the arts. el
  • by Mandeep Raikhy / gati dance Delhi, India Based on the notion of lived experience of architecture in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an ensemble piece that aims to define, architecturally and imaginarily, the idea
  • "This project proposes an alternative financial model based on the Peer-to-Peer architecture for a more equal sharing of wealth in society. It offers an innovative participatory system using counterfeit virtual money. By issuing a visionary and
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    Sauna_01 #1, realized at the San Francisco Electronic Music Festival 2000, consists of a 10 x 14' enclosed room within which is positioned a 4 x 8' tank-a half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is
  • Tamas Waliczky was born in 1959 in Budapest. New media artist. Lives in Budapest, Hong Kong and Vienna. He started making animations at the age of nine. He then worked as a painter, illustrator and photographer. He started working with computers in
  • Dinka Pignon is an interdisciplinary media artist working with spatial video installation and performance art. Her experimental practice is characterized by a strong affinity for the phenomenal, liminal, conceptual and minimal. Her work is situated
  • Light, only light -
    Except for a few species like the Dinoflagellata, which belongs to both the plant and animal kingdoms, bioluminescence is only found in a few animal species. According to biological evolution, a single organism cannot both consume light as energy