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  • Esposito, Elena. Interaktion, Interaktivität und die Personalisierung der Massenmedien Soziale Systeme , no. 2 (1995): 225-259.
  • Esposito, Elena. Fiktion und Virtualität In Medien, Computer, Realität, edited by Sybille Krämer, 269-296. Frankfurt/ Main: Suhrkamp, 1998.
  • Christine Hooker and Sara Verosky and Laura Germine and Robert Knight and Mark D'Esposito. Mentalizing about emotion and its relationship to empathy Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , no. 3 (2008): 204-217.
  • Christine Hooker and Sara Verosky and Laura Germine and Robert Knight and Mark D'Esposito. Mentalizing about emotion and its relationship to empathy Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , no. 3 (2008): 204-217.
  • Ascott, Roy. Art, Technology and Computer Science In XLII Esposizione d´Arte: La Biennale di Venezia, edited by Maurizio Calvesi, 187-188. Venezia: Edizione La Biennale, 1986.
  • Event: Mixed Borders and Hybrid IdentitiesInstitution: Palazzo delle esposizioniComment:
  • White Cube -
    The spirit of contemporary art Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there is no reason to produce significant artwork nor explore virgin territories. It is a fundamental fact: it has to « be like contemporary art »…as
  • Nature -
    I created Design By Numbers during in a time when getting artists and designers to program the computer was just beginning to become in vogue. I spent most of the earlier half of the 1990's espousing the importance of getting beyond the tools, and
  • The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes
  • Fleischmann, Monika. Cyberstar winner from OZ DESIGN, I3 Magazine, EU ESPRIT projects (1998): 666-669.