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  • ... of artists’ works in public space – including several cases at the Venice Biennial itself.
  • ... networked social practices. Projects have included walking the longest street in the US...
  • ... and Interactive Art. His practice has included artistic practice, technical research,...
  • ... brings up this list of censored artists, including but not limited to the artists depicted.
  • ... their practice, three virtual characters including their online identities were created to...
  • ... in Ohio, USA. Her creative scholarship includes electronic interactive installation,...
  • ... he and Viégas founded Flowing Media, Inc., a visualization studio focused on media and...
  • ... from the Prix Ars Electronica, and he was included in the 2008 ArtReview Power 100. His...
  • ... and › searching. The nominated projects including review-commentaries are documented in...
  • ... in the survey, and their suggestions were incorporated into the concept. Research and...