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  • Nanocities -
    ... available for exhibition. They can be exhibited like the above image as a series of projections. Or you can exhibit my touch screen...
  • ... Replacing the mirror by a screen showing a similar mirrored image, but filmed and augmented with "transfiction/alized” elements,...
  • Water Wheel - video
    ... music explored through loop duration permutations, generative image juxtapositions explored through loop duration permutations
  • red fungus -
    ... the collaboration of other visitors, will lead to a complex image eventually.
  • ... Each moving thing etches itself across the surface of the image in a golden hue which fades as time passes through a ruddy brown...
  • ... with icons, which are likewise generated by the light sticks – image messages that incorporate, reflect, or disrupt the polylogical...
  • did you read the east -
    ... connected to the Web. Participants could choose an image on line, send it, using only your browser, and check the result...
  • ... into the imaginary world of virtual water gardens. The image of "Eau de Jardin" consists of a triptych, a three-sided...
  • Moving Movie - video
    ... the screen in sync with the filmed material. As the projected image rotates around the screen, direction and spatiality is...
  • ... Each response serves as inspiration for a unique digital image, presenting a constant challenge that also brings me immense...