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  • ... of meaning. His inquiries into linguistics and consciousness offer resonant...
  • ... die Geometrie, insbesondere die Linie und ihre vielfältigen Erscheinungsformen im...
  • ... screen form the first telematic link outside the installation space, where a...
  • ... with 126,000 watts of power and link Cyberspace with Mexico’s most emblematic...
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    ... a theatrical stage and creating a link between inner and outer activity areas They...
  • ... that serves as the perceptual link, or code, between the acoustic sense and the...
  • Lorna - video
    ... to direct the disc action, a metaphoric link or point of identification is established and...
  • America`s Finest -
    ... associative notions of gun/camera/trigger link all media representation to lethal weapons. ...
  • Stanze -
    ... media - up to establish causality link between action achieved on a media and...
  • Poetry Machine -
    The visitor enters a dimly lit room. On a projection screen runs the text that is written by nobody. The keys of the keyboard move as if by a ghost's hand. A monotone, mechanical voice reads out the generated text, sentence by sentence.