Archive Search

  • ARCO 1993 -
    Event: ARCO 1993Institution: ARCO FoundationComment:
  • Interface II -
    Event: Interface IIInstitution: Kulturbehörde HamburgComment:
  • Prizma Art -
    Event: Prizma ArtInstitution: ULUV-GalleryComment:
  • Siggraph’93, Anaheim, CA: »Machine Culture«
  • Event: Galeries ContemporainesInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • Interactive Garden -
    Event: Interactive GardenInstitution: Otso GalleryComment:
  • Language of Art -
    Event: Language of ArtInstitution: Kunsthalle WienComment:
  • Binaera -
    Event: BinaeraInstitution: Musee Communal d`IxellesComment:
  • Voyage Virtuel -
    Event: Voyage VirtuelInstitution: Espace KronenburgComment:
  • Künstliche Spiele -
    Event: Künstliche SpieleInstitution: Medienlabor München (MLM)Comment: