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  • Ecomedia
    Cubitt, Sean. Ecomedia. Contemporary cinema series, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005.
  • mediaBlocks -
    The mediaBlocks project is a tangible user interface based upon small, electronically tagged wooden blocks. The blocks serve as physical icons ("phicons") for the containment, transport, and manipulation of online media. mediaBlocks interface with
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. A emergência de emoções Artificiais: a condição interface ada vivida seamless, nômade, móvel e autônoma em Ciberinstalações Emoção Artificial 3.0 interfaces cibernética (2007).
  • The Future of Reality -
    In The Future of Reality, we ourselves become avatars and intelligent agents within these hybrid media systems, looking back at ourselves and our histories, gazing into uncertain mirrors, and looking ahead to increasingly seamless, incursive,
  • Time in between -
    Time in Between features urban views from both Taipei and Paris. It documents a compressed 24 hours in these two places with 24 locations and 24 Taiwanese people strolling in Paris. By seamlessly overlaying urban images from the two cities at
  • Cubitt, Sean. The Information Environment In Ubiquitous Computing, Complexity, and Culture, edited by Ulrik Ekman and Lily Diaz and Morten SondergaardNew York: Routledge, 2015.
  • Dr Sean Clark is an artist and curator, the Director of Leicester arts company Interact Digital Arts, the Founder of web/mobile developer Cuttlefish Multimedia, a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Creative Technologies at De Montfort
  • Cubitt, Sean and Gunalan Nadarajan and José‐Carlos Mariátegui. Social Formations of Global Media Art Third Text: Special issue MEDIA ARTS: Practice, Institutions and Histories 23, no. 3 (May 2009): 217-228.
  • Cubitt, Sean. Data Visualisation and the Subject of Political Aesthetics In postdigital aethetics, edited by David Berry and Michael DieterLondon: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Cubitt, Sean. Toxic Media: On the Ecological Impact of Cinema In Eco-Trauma Cinema, edited by Anil Narine, 231-48. New York: Routledge, 2014.