Archive Search

  • Lab 6 -
    Event: Lab 6Institution: Center of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Event: Perception and perspectiveInstitution: National Gallery of VictoriaComment:
  • Inventer '89 -
    Event: Inventer '89Institution: La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • ISEA 2000: revelation -
    Theme: Revelation
  • Images du Futur -
    Event: Images du FuturInstitution: Portugese Telecom GalleryComment:
  • Environments -
    Event: EnvironmentsInstitution: RijksuniversiteitComment:
  • Mediale '93 -
    Event: Mediale '93Institution: DeichtorhallenComment:
  • Event: Disillusion of Striptease FilmsInstitution: Palais de SportsComment:
  • Event: Media. Time Festival: Wood and Byte.Institution: Centro Culturale TreviComment:
  • Blue Stage -
    Sound, film, music, photography and images, text: the Blue Stage interactive installation presents an innovative model for the multimedia representation of cultural themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are