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  • AKA the Digital Giraffe, with 46 years experience as a Digital Painter and Digital Sculptor. Editor, programmer, designer, author the Digital Giraffe eZine (, an award-winning monthly journal of art and culture now in its 30th year
  • Neal White works across media, and in no particular medium at all – creating projects with the Office of Experiments that develop collaborative, social and critical spaces using art methods and art materials. His work operates along the fine line
  • Event: reConFIGURING the CAVEInstitution: ZKMComment:
  • Event: Continuous Sound and Image MomentsInstitution: 26 Kingly StreetComment:
  • Selected memories -
    Event: Selected memoriesInstitution: Palais des beaux-arts de BruxellesComment:
  • Staircase -
    Event: StaircaseInstitution: Stedelijk MuseumComment:
  • The Robots -
    Event: The RobotsInstitution: Nagashima SpalandComment:
  • Event: Continuous Sound and Image MomentsInstitution: Better BooksComment:
  • Jennifer Willet is a biomedia artist and professor with a strong focus on laboratory aesthetics and participatory practices methodologies. Currently, she is Director of Incubator Lab at the University of Windsor in Canada. Her work resides at the
  • Maciej Wisniewski is an internationally respected digital artist and pioneer in network art. His art projects: netomat (1999), 4 Stories With a Twist (2004), 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet (2002), Instant Places (2002), Streaming Conscience