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  • Mark Reany is a pioneer in virtual reality theater and the Director of the Institute for the Exploration of Virtual Realities in the University of Kansas. He produced virtual scenarios, avatars, telepresence and real-time simulations in theatrical
  • ... degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Media Arts and Sciences as well as a bachelors degree from the School of... lives and works in Los Angeles. His software, prints, and installations have has been featured in numerous solo and group...
  • Multiplicity -
    ...These manually created photomontages were created as the basis for an op-art style silkscreen series and its further development as a kinetic...
  • HDH215 -
    This piece is about a personal memory from my hometown, the small city of Heidenheim in the rural south of Germany. My favourite intersection is located on Schnaitheimer Straße, at the top where the old customs office is situated. One day the
  • ... Hochschule fuer Gestaltung und Kunst ( University of the Arts). He teaches Interaction Design and Master of Arts in Design /... of his artistic work where he experiments with interactive installations and the conditions of digital perception. (source:...
  • ...Catherine Richards is a visual artist and professor working in old and new media. She uses installations and participatory strategies to reflect... artist and professor working in old and new media. She uses installations and participatory strategies to reflect on the idea of...
  • ... with permanent digital ceramic printing for Public Art. Research includes The Third Woman, pan-european project in...
  • ... and senior lecturer for Interactive Media and Creative Arts modules at Department of Art Theory and Practice, Charles...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... 2018. In the course of these 10 days, I was part of a group of artists and architects from around the world. Sara Kamalvand’s...
  • Peeping into a mirror-clad triangular prism, a surveillance camera observes images of its own species, while the kaleidoscopic reflections turn the devices into floral ornaments, referring to the ever-growing arrays of CCTV equipment in a tropical