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  • Net_Condition -
    Peter Weibel (Curator), Walter van der Cruijsen (Curator), Golo Föllmer (Curator), Johannes Goebel (Curator), Hans-Peter Schwarz (Curator), Benjamin Weil (Curator), Jeffrey Shaw (Curator)
  • Event: Cinestud Filmfestival '67Institution: 26 Kingly StreetComment:
  • ... artists, scientists, sociologists, philosophers and historians re-explore the term...
  • In our world, accidents are an everyday part of reality. The things we produce have a tendency to malfunction as much as they are capable of functioning properly. We try to predict and control things; yet, we are often surprised by their creativity
  • Event: Manifestation for the Unstable Media 1Institution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • CeBit '95 -
    Event: CeBit '95Institution: CeBitComment:
  • IMAGINA 2000 -
    Event: IMAGINA 2000Institution: Festival de Télévision de Monte-CarloComment:
  • Event: Die interaktive Porträtsammlung des Museums für KommunikationInstitution: Museum of CommunicationComment:
  • Visions of Reality -
    Event: Visions of RealityInstitution: Louisiana Museum of Modern ArtComment:
  • Event: Muu Media Festival '95Institution: Muu MediaComment: